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Tuesday , October , 22 2024
You are here : Region Rules-Regulations

Regional Rules and Regulations Supplement

This web page was created to help Drivers find answers to questions that may only affect our region and applies to every driver. The decision behind each statement is based on feedback from customers and years of knowledge and experience by dozens of drivers. Not all decisions are easy to understand on the surface. However, it’s important to know that the underlying reasons for each declaration or rule are either event efficiency (more track time) or safety, both of which are ultimately in favor of the Driver. It is our mission to provide a fun and safe environment for all drivers to enjoy and we welcome your thoughts and ideas on how to improve.


  • Anyone driving on the track must be a NASA Member.
  • Helmets must be worn at all times while on track. (Orientation/Parade Laps With Pace Car Excluded)
  • Safety belts must be properly worn at all times while on track.
  • Entry fee increases 10 days (Wednsday at Midnight) prior to the event. At track registrataions increase an additional $50 on Saturday of the event.
  • On-Line registration will close for each event the Thursday before the event at 4pm.

You can find the Great Lakes Cancellation Policy at the link below.

 Great Lakes Cancellation Policy

  • If your AWD car needs towing at the track, please be advised of this information from our towing crew: All STi owners must ensure that their DCCD switch is in the manual mode to prevent damage to their drivetrains. Please consult the owner’s manual for more information. All other AWD cars, note that the only safe way to tow an AWD car (at the track) is all four wheels on the ground, or with one axle lifted at limited speeds and distance; and only when OEM lift points are still available. If OEM lift or tow points are removed, disabled, covered, or not safety usable because of aftermarket items such as larger bumpers, ground effects, or larger intercoolers, NASA may not be able to retrieve your vehicle to the paddock and will take great care to move it to a safe place on the track. Arrangements to retrieve your vehicle from the track can be made with race control. This might likely be hours later during a break or even at the end of the day. These instructions and warnings are only in place to make your track experience safer and less stressful. With the increasing popularity of AWD vehicles at our events, we are concerned over how to properly manage these vehicles to everyone’s satisfaction. Racers are required to have a tow point that can also safely lift an end of your vehicle as well. Lack of such can cause a dangerous track situation.
  • Passengers are allowed in Groups HPDE3,HPDE4 and Time Trial ONLY.
  • Passengers will need to have a special wristband from NASA Central and sign an additioal waiver.
  • Drivers are to have a wristband and a track-pass to get on track.
  • Cars must have a tech sticker before going on track.
  • You may and should have your car tech completed at any SAE Certified shop before each event. Simply have the tech shop complete your tech form and stamp it with their ASE number. If you have an SAE Certified shop perform your tech inspection you DO NOT need to bring your car to tech - simply bring your helmet and SAE stamped tech form to tech.
  • Drivers must attend all scheduled meetings and download sessions for their driving group.
  • HPDE Groups will be scheduled for approximately 4(15-20) minute track sessions each day. Some sessions may be combined with another HPDE group.
  • Instructors are to sign up on-line at least 30 days before an event.
  • Attire: Closed Toed Shoes are required. Non-synthetic fabric clothing (i.e. cotton). Long Sleeve shirts and long pants are recommnded. However, T shirts and short pants are allowed except at the following tracks. Autobahn Country Club does not allow Short pants. 


  • Great Lakes Region Time Trial Championships for 2024 – TT Drivers must score points in 5 out of 17 days to be eligible for yearend awards. Time Trial Drivers will drop 7 days. Drivers will count their best 10 days out of 17 days toward TT championships. The following is a list of the number of days per event.
      • March NCM 2 days
      • April MidO 2 days
      • May MidO 2 days
      • June GMan 2 days
      • July Pitt 2 days
      • August MidO 2 days
      • Championships 1 days
      • Sept ABCC 2 days
      • Oct NCM 2 days (Regional Championships) 2 points on Saturday | Sunday  Contingency prizes and no points.
  • HPDE track rules above apply and are adjusted by Group Leader.
  • TT1-TT6 drivers must submit their car classification forms online prior to the start of the event.  Once the event has started, any changes must be submitted online along with hard copies being delivered to and approved by the Regional TT Director.  
  • Protests of Time Trial vehicles or driver conduct must be made within 30 minutes of the last on track session of the day. Protests must be submitted to the Regional TT Director. This supersedes TT rules, by adding a protest submission deadline and where it states that protests should be made directly to the Regional TT Director.
  • Each scheduled event will have three by popular request
  • During events with more than one race in one day for any given class, a driver may change classes prior to the start of the first qualifying session of that day. (No class changes once qualifying has started)
  • Seasons points from the one race suspension will not be droppable from Any contact resulting in damage and punt. See NASA CCR section 27.11 #6.  This regional rule supersedes the CCR. 
  • A driver’s Penalty Points system (NASA CCR 27.12) will be maintained and published on the Great Lakes website with a link from SpeedHive.
  • Great Lakes Region Racing Class/Series Championships for 2024 – Drivers must score points in 8 out of 24 races to be eligible for yearend awards. All race series will drop 19 races. Drivers will count their best 15 points out of 24 points paying races toward class/series championships. The following is a list of the number of races per event.
    • NCM March 3
    • Mid-O April 3
    • Mid-O May 3
    • GingerMan June 3
    • Pitt Race July 3
    • Mid-Ohio August 3
    • National Championships 1
    • Autobahn Sept 3
    • NCM Oct 2 (Regional Championships) 2 short races on Saturday | Sunday 1 early race for Contingency prizes and no points.
  • Series Leaders must report all non-compliance discoveries to Race Director. 
  • Dyno's - There is no guarantee that a Dyno will be at any event. It is the driver's responsibility to always have their dyno sheet available. Most, if not all, series rules require that the cars dyno sheet be submitted to the Series Leader and/or uploaded and a copy retained in the car’s logbook. (Pertains only to series with a HP/WT rule.)
  • Body Contact Reports MUST be completed and submitted at Tech within 30 minutes of the conclusion of the session which the incident occurred.
  • Should body contact occur, all cars involved should report to Impound or risk disqualification.
  • Appeals of an official ruling by a Race Director must be filed at NASA Central within 30 minutes of the ruling.
  • Tech Inspection - NOTE: Annual Inspections of Race and TT cars at track will incur a $100 fee. If you have a current annual inspection, take both forms and your logbook to Tech. They will issue an Annual Tech Sticker. If you do not have a current annual inspection, you will need to take the above, your car and gear to the Tech located in the paddock. They will complete your annual inspection, note it in your logbook and issue an Annual Tech sticker and collect the $100 unless you registered for an annual online.
  • Contingency Compliance forms must be signed by your series leader or NASA official prior to Saturday’s race. This can be done on Thursday or Friday prior to the event to save time. Please see the contingency program for exact details because they are all slightly different.
  • On any day that has more than one points race, contingencies will be awarded for the first points race of that day. Subsequent races, qualifying races, or any other session called a "race" are not eligible contingency awards the same day.
  • Classes with only one car registered when On-line registration closes (see General rules above) may be moved to another class, such as ST other appropriate class as determined by the Series Leader, Race Director or Regional Director. Entry list can be viewed on the event information page.
  • Great Lakes regions will support all National Classes.
  • All numbers expire December 31 of each year.
  • Number renewal takes place January 1-31 each year.
  • Reserved numbers must be used once within each calendar year in order to be eligible for renewal the following year.
  • New or unused numbers may be reserved at any time. First come, first served.
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