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May 23,24,25, 2025 Add to Calendar Friday-TREC Race-4hour, NASA Test and Tune, ITS-Instrutor Training School
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Mid-Ohio Gate Waiver
New to NASA HPDE? Event Schedule 2024 V1 Entry List CURRENT EVENT GRID AND RESULTS FOR TT AND RACE Mid-Ohio Track Map Mid-Ohio Paddock Map Mid-Ohio Video "The Line" Shawshank Trail Tour Guide Annual Inspection sign up sheet Annual Race/TT Tech Form HPDE Tech Form
Driving Groups for this event: Club chicane Friday and Sat. Pro course Sunday Friday-Racer Test n Tune and HPDE3,4,TT open track Friday TREC Race-3 hour afternoon Weekend: HPDE Intro,1,2,3,4(With instructors and/or Solo) Time Trial (Compete against the clock) Competition Racing (All NASA Classes)
Annual Tech Inspections: TT / Race Groups only At track annual inspections -- $100 ~ We highly recommend having an annual tech inspection done at one of our certified Tech shops prior to an event! ~ Annuals are NOT permitted for HPDE classes, only single event tech is required for HPDE Classes.
Hotel Info: Click this link for hotels at all events
Event Access: Subject to Change Thursday -- Gates OPEN at 5:00 PM Friday -- 24 Hours Saturday -- 24 Hours Sunday -- CLOSE at 7:00 PM RV/Campers $25.
Transponder Rentals | Garage Rentals: Transponders Rental -- $100 for the weekend Garage rental is for ALL THREE (3) Days.
Paddock/Pit/Parking: Subject to Change Paddock Maps and Traffic Flow - Always park perpendicular to the paddock roads. All drivers will be required to follow the one way directions to enter and exit the track. ** DO NOT DRIVE THROUGH CONES OR BARRICADES ** Speed limit is 5MPH in the paddock. No Race cars on entrance road - the Boulevard Road.
SAVE MONEY and Register EARLY!!
Registration increases by $50 TEN (10) days prior to the event and an additional $50 on day of the event.
On-Line Registration - Officially closes at 4:30pm Thursday prior to the event.
At Track - NASA Central/Registration. Hours can be found on the event schedule.
Questions - e-mail Registration.
Throw away the old shoe polish and blue tape!! NASA will have vinyl numbers for sale at the track. Visit NASA Central to get your numbers. We will have basic 10" vinyl numbers in BLACK and WHITE only. Numbers are $3 each, 4 digits for $10, or 6 digits for $15. Registration will also have race course outlines of the track.
You are highly encouraged to get your car pre-teched at an approved Tech Shop before the event. Follow this link for a list of Approved Tech Shops.
TT and Race Annuals will be $100 at the track. We will perform your tech at the track, but please plan to arrive early. All cars MUST be teched before going on track.
HPDE Tech is no charge at the track.
HPDE groups 1, 2, 3 & 4 will not be timed - so please do not rent a Transponder for these classes.
TT Classes WILL BE timed.
If you registered On-Line, you DO NOT need to go to NASA Central again for registration at the track.
Mandatory Driver's Meeting, see the Event Schedule for the time.
You will be given a Driving Group Specific wristbands by your group leader after your Drivers meeting.
What to do when you get to the track: 1-Arrive as early as possible! 2-Find a paddock spot. (See Paddock Map) 3-Clean out all loose items from your car. 4-Go to Tech with Helmet, Tech Form and Car. 5-Attend Drivers Meeting. (Check Schedule)
Register on-line with ALL your information, especially your transponder number. If you registered and still need to send info, sent it to: Registrar and we will update you in the computer. Take care of any transponder issues now! A $25 fee will be assessed at the track for ALL changes. If you are unsure of your registration, please see the reg-list posted above.
Mandatory Race Driver's Meeting - see event schedule as it may change from event to event.
All Race cars must have a current log book and Annual Tech Sticker to get on track.
I HAVE AN ANNUAL: Take the car's completed Annual Self-Tech form (Completed by driver/owner), Signed Log Book and Annual Tech Inspector's Tech Form to the Chief of Tech at your first event of the year. He will issue your Annual Tech Sticker. This Sticker is to be affixed to the Lowest part of the Driver's Side Windshield or on top of the main hoop for open wheel cars. (No other location is permitted)
I DO NOT HAVE AN ANNUAL: NASA is happy to perform the annual at the track, but due to the limited time in the morning, it is likely that some track time will be missed. An Annual inspection can take up to one hour for a new car. We highly recommend that you use one of the Tech Shops to get your annual completed prior to coming to the track.
At track Annual Tech process: ($100) 1-Bring a completed Annual Race Car tech form, Race car, Rae Car logbook (If you have one) to NASA Tech. 2-An NASA tech will perform the Annual and Complete an Annual Inspectors Tech Form. 3-NASA will affix the Annual Tech Sticker to the Lower Left area on your Windshield or on top of the main roll bar hoop for open top cars without a windshield. 4-The Annual inspection and sticker is valid for the entire season.
Annual Tech - Available at track, or an Approved Tech Shop.
Owned: Be sure your transponder number is correct in your user profile on NASAProRacing.com. By doing this, you ensure timing and scoring have the correct number when you register. If you need to change or give your number after registering, send it to the Registrar and we will update in the computer. Take care of any transponder issues now! A $25 fee will be assessed at the track for changes. Check the results after your first timed session to be sure you are being scored.
Rented: - Time Trials & Racers ONLY You can rent a transponder from NASA, On-Line BEFORE the event, as we only have a few available. If you have rented one on-line, you can pick it up at NASA Central/Registration. Rental is $100 for the weekend.
Sign Up On-Line under "Official".
If you would like to volunteer for an event, we can find a fun exciting area for you participate in; Race Tech, HPDE Tech, Timing and Scoring, Flagger support, Grid and Pit, Registration, Customer support, etc.. Volunteers DO get closer to the action! Please don't be shy, EVERYONE is welcome!!
Sign up On-Line and contact our Volunteer Coordinator. You may also visit registration at the track for more information.
Indy Race Tire Plus will be providing tire support for this event. Contact Jeff Bishop at least 10 days prior to the event to ensure your tires can be picked up at the event.
email orders preferred! Indyracetireplus@gmail.com
Or call Jeff at 317.658.8663
All tire sales must be paid for in advance with CC and their are no returns.Trackside mounting and balancing can be paid separately at track when dropping off for service.
HOOSIER, TOYO & just about every other brand.
Race Engine hours 7:00am-9:00pm
Paddock quiet time 10:00pm-7:00am
Camping is allowed, However the infield is closed to all camping and paddock space. RV's will be charged a $25 use fee by Mid-Ohio upon entering the facility. (Anything that looks like a camper or RV will be charged)
There is a preset spending limit of $150 per transaction (at the pump) set by Sunoco. There is a limit of 3 transactions per day (at the pump) set by Sunoco. These 2 regulations are for fraud/theft protection. The pumps are open 24-hours/day for credit card purchases. Credit cards accepted Visa --- Mastercard --- MC Fleet --- American Express Discover --- Dinners Club --- Wex --- Voyager --- Sunoco Sunoco c --- Stored V --- Concord All fuel sales are final, no returns or exchanges. Make sure you know what type you need before dispensing product. If you need assistance, please contact guest services or any Mid-Ohio official.
Water is available on the trackside of the middle garages.
It is also available in the rear of the Mid-Ohio Tech building.
Air is available in the garages. Be courteous and ask first, these spaces are rented.
Air is also available in the Mid-Ohio Tech building.
Operated by the track
Open from 8AM-2PM.
Mid-Ohio does not allow pets on the property. If needed, there are 2 kennels near the track. See the Mid-Ohio web site for details.
Please dispose of all fluids appropriately. There are "used oil" drums located in the lower paddock near turn 1 and in the grass paddock.
Directions at the NASA Trailer
Auto Zone 419-525-7050
Wal-Mart Super Center 419-756-2850
Save-A-Lot Groceries 419-747-6735
CITGO Gas Station
Map to parts stores
Announcements – Paddock speakers and FM (NASA Central will have the FM frequency)
(These Mid-Ohio fees will be passed on to the drivers)
Oil-Dry - $20 / Bag
Damaged Guard Rail Replacement - $1000 / Section
DamageConcrete Barrier Replacement - $1000 / Section
Damage Tire Wall Bundle Replacement - $500 / bundle
Fire - $300 (Cost to refill extinguishers)
Paddock Speed Limit 5 mph
Andrew Racing has everything you need to stop your car. Contact them for all your braking needs.
Andrew Racing
Providing track-side services for the NASA Great Lakes Rgion.